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‘Innovation’ has become the buzzword of the decade in the worlds of business and education. Politicians on both sides of the aisle, Fortune 500 companies, universities, and local school systems all agree that it is the key to the future.

The overuse and generalization of the term ‘innovation’ has led to a loss of understanding of what it is we actually need when we say we need more innovation!

Tina Selig is the inventor of the Innovation Engine. She describes it in detail here in her TEDxStanford talk.

Tina’s TEDxStandford talk outlines exactly what we need when we say we need more innovation … and she does it simply and brilliantly!

Like any engine, the Innovation Engine is made up of several parts, and requires all parts to be in working order for innovation to work.

Innovation is not a light switch. It is not just something that you turn on and off at will.

True innovation within any organization requires all of the Innovation Engine components … the inner workings (you); attitude, knowledge and imagination, as well as the outer workings (the outside world); culture, resources, and habitat.

Tina Selig is also an author of several books. I have not read any of them … yet … but fully intend to!

The one that looks the most interesting to me is ‘inGenius: A Crash Course on Creativity’

Please check out Tina’s work when you have a moment and let us know what you think!

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Innovation Engine